This is what we've sent for a staff owner in Norway :
And a coat for Banjo, our English gentleman:

From a friendly international forum:

It has started thanks to this website : Whippet World
One of the member suggested that we send each other hand-made presents.
So, last week we received our first gift from Lisa (Sweden):
If you want to follow the thread and see how crafty whippet masters are, have a look here !
I'm not used to taking pictures of my handbags...
But I do love this one ...


What our whippets look like  " inside " ...


What our whippets look like  " outside " ... :

Snow is a difficult concept for a four (and very thin) limbed animal.


Time : On All Hallows Eve.

Place : In the Middle of Nowhere.

Characters : 3 little ones in home-made costumes, 2 giggling grown-ups, 3 barking whippets.

Props : a front door with a small window at the top, a paper bag, 2 persimmon fruits, a sheet of paper saying "Halloween".


The 3 Little Ones knock on the front door, again, and again.
No one answers, the house is dark and the dogs bark furiously. Frustrated, they visit the neighbours.
On their way back, the front door is lit and there is a small package on the threshold.

Look !! There's something !

Oh, you're right. It wasn't there 2 minutes ago ! Open it, open it !

Pumpkins ???

But they are really tiny...

You stupid ! These are not pumpkins, these are persimmon fruits !

Is it good ?

Well, it's been a long time I haven't tasted one, but I think so.

While the 3 little monsters are busy storing their weird gift, 2 grown-ups are giggling behind the door.

Well, it's too bad we don't have any pencil, we could have say "Thank You"...


Why do you look sooo angry ?
Is it so bad to bring my pet home ?
Can't you see it's a gift for you, my beloved master ?

But, anyway, why doesn't it move any more ?


It really looks a bit upset ...

Never mind ! I'll get another one !!
And let me tell you that it's been going on for a looong time ...
At a carthorse show nearby ...
All the mummies were with their foals which were freely roaming in the hall. Some were shy, or upset, others were curious and dared coming quite close of the camera...
It really was a lovely time.

Summer or above 20°C / 68°F

The white spot in the grass is not an albatros lost in the inland, neither a mop drying in the sun, nor a stoned goose...
It's just Charlie pretending he likes nature and its organic mattress.

Winter or under 20°C / 68°F

Unfortunately, winter is a funny (or weird...or scary...or both) notion and it may last nine months in Little Siberia - Charlie can be very depressed...
That was sewed for friends and Elias played the top model, to his great dismay...

He can be reassured for he will never wear it : he just doesn't understand the concept of  a  'greyhound track'   !
In spite of all our efforts, he prefers running after buddies instead of the lure...and he is quite capable of making a fool out of himself actually !!
(that's the lonely master of the looney whippet speaking...)

Happiness is not about having what you want,
but is about wanting what you have.

(easier said than done as far as people are concerned !)
