No reaction...
So I played : We Will Rock You,
No reaction...
I tried : Highway to Hell
Still nothing.

I was getting worried so I decided to take drastic measures.
Hooray !!
1:25 pm, I'm leaving to work, I'm checking the house: is everything dog-proof ? Are the doors locked ? Is the bread out of sight and smell ? Are the hi-fi and the computer unplugged ?
The Pack is on the sofa  half asleep, they know this routine: " Why bother ? She comes back in two hours. Let's sleep."
1:28 pm, I'm taking off my old comfy and shapeless pullover, put it on the back of the sofa and put on my coat.

At this step, a signal of error should have sprung to my mind:
1. They could fight for  my pullover.
2. They could tear it.
3. They could eat it.

3:45 pm, the brothers welcome me home: Eliot brings one of my slippers (he's a very interactive dog : it's up to me to find the second one !) and Elias does high jump on my chest - a warm welcome.
But what about Charlie ? Where is my biggie boy ?
Well, an elephant with a dangling wooly trunk is standing near the sofa.
His head is stuck in one of the sleeves of the pullover. There is just his tail which is not in the garment. He is shivering: "I'm blind ! Where are my paws ?"

I've got to confess that my first thought was to take a picture of him but it would have been really naughty to delay his delivery.

and snow again...
The whippets hardly want to go out...except if we go.

That is why, Tiny Eliot has just been lucky to get a new, ultra warm coat
That look very much like an ice-box !

Over-coat : checked !
Inner-coat : checked !
A couple of hours later...
A dog in an ice-box with a snood-like collar
Hurry : I'm boiling !
The virtuous circle :
All the fabric comes from my favourite charity shop.

That was important for me that this coat had a double-purpose - helping a person-in-need before helping a dog.
But, when you come to think about it... Isn't it what dogs are meant to be : great helpers to make us feel better ?
Eliot and his dream-catcher* in his Ali Baba's cave

"The dog-toys are so deja-vu...Do you think I'm going to play with something designed by a human who's supposed to know my utmost desires ?! ...Pfff..."

*our cooking glove

Here is the coat with its inhabitant - well it looks more like a jacket than a coat actually...!

Anyway, this handsome gentleman is a truly accomplished whippet

Not only is he sweet, but he's a therapy dog and an agility athlete !

Besides, he is even better-looking when stripped !
Name : Pepette   
Age : 3   
Origin : Ikealand
Species : a thing
Characteristics : blue body, striped socks
, great personality

The adoption...
Pepette's foster family has immediately taken to it, so much so that:

No more socks,
No more head,
And a knotted neck ! matter what
Elias drags his pet everywhere he goes - in the garden to pee, on the sofa to play and in his bed to make sweet dreams.

Pepette is sweet,
Pepette is soft...
Long Live Pepette !
Even though I know the story by heart, I cry laughing each time I read it.

Thank you so much for this great gift...
Dogs Don't Understand Basic Concepts, Like Moving
